Wednesday, June 24, 2009

One Luxury

On game night last Saturday, we played Loaded Questions.

"If you could have one luxury, what would it be?"

I've decided that if I could have one luxury, it would be a personal chef! Someone to cook whatever I want them to. I'm in the mood for homemade pizza tonight, but I want it to taste good and be healthy!

What one luxury would you want?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday, June 5, 2009

First Post: Second Blog

Here it is, my second blog! As if I don't have a hard enough time keeping up with all my other social obligations! But I thought to myself, why not have place to have those conversations about those things that are a little more on the shallow side! I've got a couple ideas in mind on how to manage this one, but only time will tell if I can really follow through.

Okay, well stay tuned for further....
